ADDIE - Implementation Phase

Implementation Phase
Delivering the Learning Platform
Training & Learning
Good trainers can make poorly designed program work well and a well-designed program work great.
 “Learning is more strongly influence by individual teachers, for example, than any other factor, including class size and quality of the facilities. In various studies, the truly great teachers do things like giving good, individualized feedback while remaining sensitive and responding to interactions going on around them that might indicate needs of other students.
Underlying Support
The Analysis, Design, and Development phases ensure that the learning platform:
Performs as predicted
Flows with the job performance needs
Supports all training and learning needs
Ensures that learners see the training as important and doable so that they are motivated to engage in it.
Implementation Phase
Phase should start with creating a Learning Management Plan (LMP), or Course Management Plan (CMP) or Training Management Plan (TMP), which outlines the steps to successfully implement the learning platform.
Learning Management Plan
Instructor Prep Estimation Chart
Course if five days or less
3 hours of prep for each hour of training
Course is between five and ten days
2.5 hours of preparation for each hour of training
Course is over ten days
2 hours of prep for each hour of training

A clear, complete description of the learning platform
A description of the audience
Directions for administering the learning platform
Directions for administering and scoring assessments
Directions for guidance, assistance, and evaluations of students
Task List
Task Analysis Information Sheets
Learning platform map or learning platform sequence
Program of Instruction (POI) lesson plans, learner guides
Any other documents directly related to administration of the learning platform
Instructor/staff’s training requirements

Steps for implementation
Gathering of LMP documents and the creation of needed ones
Preparing the learning environment
Conduct the training
Documentation of any deviations from the LMP

There is no real dividing line between the various phases of ISD, the building of training documents in the development phase fades into the gathering of the LMP documents in the implementation phase; and the documentation of training deviations fades into the evaluation phase.
Delivering the Training
The learning platform is brought to life by skillful trainers.
Skillful means involvement is the focus.
Learning is achieved by focusing on the learners
Good trainers bring a poorly designed course to life and make a well-constructed course great.
Learning Factors
Know the subject matter, provide leadership, model the desired behavior, and adapt to the learners’ needs and preferences
Have the tools to transfer the subject matter to the learners such as computers and software, find adequate classroom space, and ensure the courseware are on hand. Fuse training tool with to the needs of the learners.
Know the learners. What are their real goals for being in the classroom? What are their learning preferences? What tools do they need to help them succeed? What are some of the affective-tools that will help your leaners succeed in the learning environment you have been charged with?

Learning should be orchestrated so that both the left and right side of the brain cooperate equally. You must combine the technical step-by-step of the learning objective with interpersonal and experimental activities so that both sides of the brain become involved in mastering the subject matter.
Using both sides of the brain to learn a new skill aids us in learning it faster and retaining it longer.
The Learning Cycle
The learner starts the training as a beginner. They carry enthusiasm to learn a new skill. They may be somewhat apprehensive because they are about to enter a change process. They need clear instructions because the task is new, and just a little bit of support to calm the stress of change.
The level of guidance from the trainer becomes somewhat less so that the learner may experiment with the learning style that works best for them. They have now reached failure a few times in the process. Although the trainer still provides a lot of technical support, emotional support must increase to keep their confidence high. This normally becomes one of the toughest times for the trainer as they have to provide technical and emotional support. Technical support is needed so that the failure does not become learned. Emotional support is required so that the learner does not give up. The emotional feedback needs to be specific, such as “you did an excellent job with the… you need to”, not “you are doing just fine. Keep trying.”
At this point, the learner has become capable in performing the new skill. The amount of guidance drops to just a few pointers so that the learner can experiment with the new skill. But they are still no sure of themselves. The amount of emotional support stays high to help build up their confidence.
The learner now returns to their job. Their supervisor provides little direction and less support so that they can begin to take ownership of the new tasks and responsibilities and new assignments….the learning cycle now repeats itself.

Learner Involvement
Adapting the training program to meet the learners’ needs by analyzing and responding to individual learner needs.
You must consistently monitor and evaluate your learners’ needs throughout the course of instruction. Do not be afraid to change your instructional steps to meet the needs of your learners.
Although a good program has structure, it should not be canned or contrived. If it simply goes step-by-step with no change, then why no use a cheaper media, such as a video tape?
This is the ability to perceive another person’s view of the world as though that view were your own.
Empathy differs from sympathy in that sympathy connotes spontaneous emotion rather than a conscious, reasoned response.
Alleviate stress when it is not conducive to the training program. Without some stress in life there is no need to accomplish a task, reach for the stars, and go where no person has gone before. However, too much stress places an additional burden on most people.

APC Method
Ask the Question
Pause to allow learners to think.
Call on someone to answer the question
Effective Questioning Hints
Know what you want to find out
Generate interest in advance
Use open-ended questions to elicit dialog
Keep the questions short.
Ask questions with answers that will suggest a course of action.

Giving Feedback
This is the ability of the receiver to change and alter the message so the intention of the communicator or sender is understood. This should be done by paraphrasing the words or restating the sender’s feelings or ideas in your own words, rather than just repeating their words.
Carl Roger’s categories
Makes a judgment about the worth, goodness, or appropriateness of the other person’s statement
Paraphrasing – attempt to explain what the other person’s statement meant.
Attempting to assist or bolster the other communicator
Attempt to gain additional information, continue the discussion, or clarify a point
Attempt to discover completely what the other communicator means by their statements

In directive counseling, the counselor identifies the problem and tells the counselee what to do about it.
Nondirective counseling means the counselee identifies the problem and determines the solution with the help of the counselor.
Throughout a program of instruction there needs to be continuous or intermittent reinforcements. These reinforcements are what cause the operates to be learned by the learner. Reinforcers can be either positive or negative. However, negative reinforcers have their greatest effect when they are discontinued.
Delivering eLearning
Classrooms enhance elearning in that the interactive and social nature of a classroom, blended with the self-paced environment of elearning may increase learning by an average of 11% for both procedural and declarative knowledge.
The tool now acts as the common environment in that it allows the learners to meet and share experiences.
